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Electrical, Renewable and Efficiency Energy Projects
Projectes d'Enginyeria Elèctrica, Renovables i Eficiència Energètica

Classe A is an energy engineering specializes in drafting executive, project management and technical advice on Electrical, Renewable, Energy Saving and Efficiency Energy Projects.

Classe A offers a quality service, developing competitive and innovative projects.Being able to solve any problem with criteria of efficiency, saving and rational use of energy..

Moreover Classe A has an active interest in the development of work with R+D programs in collaboration with the university. with the objective that all developments in energy subjects move on quickly and effectively to projects. Offering to the end customer the latest technologies and the most consistent and appropriate solution to current realities.



Low & Medium
Project managers and legalization of all types of electrical installations in Low and Medium Voltage. Partial or full development until the end of it with the technical direction of work.
Renewable Energy
Development of feasibility studies for renewable energy.Including project managers and legalization of all existing renewable technologies.
Efficiency and rational use of Energy
Study and development of efficient and rational use of energy.Energy Auditors programs for companies and other publics or privates sectors.Energy certificates under the new CTE.
Project managers and legalizations of HVAC installations implemented with the highest standards of efficiency and energy savings. Incorporating the latest technology and meet all the specifications of the new RITE.
training and research
Training and diffusion oriented to public and privates sectors in electrical areas, savings strategies, Energy Efficiency and Renewable Energies.





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